The Sidings
A new 10-storey over basement office development in Dublin.
Bartra Capital
TOPT Architects
Civil & Structural Engineer
CS Consulting
Services Engineer
JV Tierney
Quantity Surveyor
Mitchell McDermott
Construction of a 10-storey over basement office development with a gross floor area of 19,856 sq.m and designed to LEED Platinum certification.
The building will have setbacks at 5th, 6th and 7th floors, each containing roof terraces providing amenity space. The ground floor will include a reception, foyer, office areas and staff facilities with a mezzanine level providing open plan offices, plant area and storage facilities. The building provides 8 floors of open plan office space around a centralised core. Works will also include hard and soft landscaping, external lighting, a service area with ESB substations and switch rooms, bin store and bicycle storage and the provision of 25 car parking spaces at basement level.