Energy Distribution and Generation
Collen, a recognised leader in mission critical infrastructure construction, has successfully delivered multiple High Voltage Substations, Energy Generation Centres and Centralised Utilities Buildings.
For over a decade now Collen have been placed as a leader in the role of Main Contractor of end-to-end delivery of Energy Transmission, Distribution and Generation Infrastructure including all elements of Civil, Structural, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical and Telecommunications.
Completing works alongside both national and regional Power Transmission System Operators (TSO’s) and Distribution System Operators (DSO’s) our projects have been delivered from full turn-key Design and Build contracts to elemental component delivery both contestably and non-contestably.
By taking a lead role in project management, detailed design, infrastructure route selection, procurement, construction and pre-commissioning, Collen's teams are experienced in ensuring these complex projects are delivered safely and on time to ensure the demand for capacity supply is met when needed.
Our Capabilities
Design and Pre-construction
Design and Pre-construction
By using a blend of internal expertise coupled with our experienced specialist and design partners Collen have the capability to take complex Energy Distribution and Generation projects from feasibility stage right through preliminary design and planning. Our Pre-Construction teams have specific expertise around cost planning, site selection and acquisition and the execution of enabling works packages. This ensures all archaeological, acoustic, environmental and access wayleave aspects are tracked and managed through to full construction mobilisation while in parallel ensuring that the delivery of design milestones are progressively met.
Project Management
Project Management
Collen's in-house teams have a depth of CSA and MEP experience and capabilities in the management of complex Energy Distribution and Generation projects, from construction start right through to commissioning. This competency is fully supported by the internal Technical Services team with responsibility for management of all elements of Mechanical, Electrical and Telecoms Engineering scope making our capability in this area truly turn-key.
Not only focusing on the procurement of construction materials for project execution, Collen has the capability to procure all specialist packages including Main Capital and Long Lead Equipment. In doing so, Collen take these elements from technical assessment and factory acceptance through logistical delivery to final positioning, allowing for timely project integration.
Operator Liaison
Operator Liaison
Collen's Technical Services team have significant insight and experience in acting as Operator Liaison with both Transmission System Operators and Distribution System Operators ensuring that all regulatory requirements and technical specifications are met in a timely manner. Coupled with this, the team are tasked with the management and resolution of any project specific technical challenges to ensure program and delivery are optimised and streamlined if and where possible.
Prior to installation completion, Collen's commissioning leads undertake the validation of all Mechanical and Electrical construction elements and then take these systems through site acceptance and pre-commissioning (and commissioning where this scope is contestable). This ensures that once fully commissioned and operational all infrastructure elements operate to design parameters steadfasting security of supply.
Collen is a leader in mission critical infrastructure delivery.
Talk to our team today about our energy distribution and and generation projects.