Affidea Tallaght

Healthcareacute medical and diagnostics

Fit-out of an existing building as a new minor injuries unit and diagnostics clinic.




O’Briain Beary Architects

Services Engineer

Varming Consulting Engineers

Cost Consultant

O'Reilly Hyland Tierney






State-of-the-art medical facility in Tallaght.

The project involved change of use and fit out from retail to medical use of the first floor units, and the associated circulation cores on the ground and first floors. The result was a medical clinic of 1,352m2 including associated support, patient and office administration areas.

Subdivision and modifications to partially completed shell & core retail uses to form a new 2 storey medical clinic on the ground and 1st floors. Works included ground floor modification and sub-division of an existing unit to create a new entrance foyer, new glazed external ground floor entrance doors, and new signage to east elevation. First floor modification to existing units resulted in a new 509 m2 medical clinic including associated ancillary staff, patient and administration areas, internal modifications will include associated new building services and access lift. 

Installation of specialist equipment.

The project included installation of MRI, X-Ray and scanning equipment and machines, the construction of radiation walls to RPA specification and installation of new HVAC plant to roof of the building. GFA: 652m2

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New diagnostics clinic and minor injuries unit in Tallaght.

Key features of the build include:

01. Modification of retail units to a medical use

02. Installation of specialist equipment and machinery

03. Construction of radiation walls to RPA specification

04. New feature octagonal glazed waiting area.
