Frascati Apartments


Construction of 45-luxury apartments over 3-storeys.


Invesco & Burlington Real Estate


Reddy Architecture and Urbanism

Civil & Structural Engineer

Barrett Mahony Consulting Engineers

Services Engineer

Homan O’Brien Associates

Quantity Surveyor

Seamus Monahan & Partners




Modern, high-end luxury apartments in Blackrock Village.

This project comprises the construction of a residential development over the existing Frascati Shopping Centre. The works include construction of 45 apartments over 3 storeys including a first floor podium level car park. The development consists of a mix a 1,2 and 3 bed units. External finishes include stone cladding, aluminium framed full height glazing and glass balustrades.  GFA: 7,356m²

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A modern, multi-storey residential development. 

Frascati Apartments provide new luxury apartments in the heart of Blackrock Village.

Key features of this build include:

01. Construction of apartments over a fully operational shopping centre

02. External finishes include stone cladding, aluminium framed full height glazing and glass balustrades

03. Communal landscaped roof garden
